The "Curse of the New House"

For the "non-mechanical-minded", this lovely beast is an Isuzu Trooper transmission. Why I am showing you what one looks like, you ask? Well, simply put, we have been struck by the "Curse of the New House". That curse is placed upon families who buy a new house and then plan to reduce expenses until such time as things settle. As soon as that decision is made, the curse strikes, and things like transmissions go "thhhhbbbbbbbbbb"... and those expenses you planned on reducing... they go "phhhfffffttttt"...
The old girl's not-old transmission just packed it in at 196,000 kilometers, which is rather young for a Trooper, apparently (thought not too young for ours, it would seem!). It was refreshing to hear, once again, someone from the automotive industry say "Wow, that's in good shape for a 13-year old truck! Well, except for the transmission, that is."
The bottom line, though, was a new transmission, so for those of you rubbing your hands together with glee about Christmas presents this year... how do you feel about a ride around the block to see how our new transmission works?


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