It's right there! Can't you see it?

It's right there! Over there, between the buildings! The silver one! Come on, you must be able to see it! There are only 767 other bikes over there, for Pete's sake!

So, for the first time ever, despite many years of motorcycle ownership, I managed to participate in the Fraser Valley Toy Run... what a blast!

A total of 768 m/c's from all over the Fraser Valley converged on Ex Park in Abbotsford today, and what a sight it was! The lineup of bikes stretched over 3 km's from nose to tail (and luckily, I was near the nose!).

Just the sound alone was enough to stand the hairs on your arms up... people were coming out of their homes to see what was up. A huge pile of toys and several thousand dollars were raised to ensure that underprivileged kids all over the Fraser Valley will have a little something under the tree this year.

It was amazing to see people from all walks of life (and I mean ALL walks of life) riding together, laughing and joking, comparing bikes, and just plain getting along.

It was the first sunny ride in 6 years, so that was probably the main factor in the huge turnout. What a perfect day: 18C and sunshine... Aaaahhhhhh!



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