Jumping back into the routine...

Well, it had to happen... those lazy, hazy days of summer have ended, and the school year is upon us again! Both J and C have started in new schools, after spending 6 and 4 years respectively at the same school. Needless to say, that is a big change for both of them. However, as we complete Day 2 today, all appears to be going well. Each of them has a very good friend in their class, so that has helped to ease the transition somewhat. The big change is that they can now both walk to (and from) school! That is good news for us, as we no longer spend 2 hours a day commuting to dropoff and pickup... Woo hoo! Good for us, and good for the environment! Not to mention, good for the pocketbook!!! We hope your transition from summer to fall is going well, and that your little ones have had a good start to the school year!



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