And we're gone again... Part 3

The view through the sentinel trees bordering the stone steps up to the marker stone for the Point Atkinson lighthouse lookout.
Looking like a bunny's tail, this thistle shone like gold in the warm sun.
Tenacity personified! This small, yellow flower was found growing out of the solid rock 80' above the ocean on the Juniper Point lookout in Lighthouse Park.
Relentless, endless waves pound away at the solid rock that makes up much of the shoreline of Lighthouse Park. If you ever have the chance to spend a day hiking, LP is a great destination. Some of the trails are quite challenging (take note, thee of bad knee/hip/ankles), but if you have plenty of time, it is well worth it. Pick a sunny, clear day, pack a lunch and lots of water, remember your camera, and away you go! You won't be disappointed by the fantastic views of Vancouver, English Bay and Georgia Straight!


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