Warm Winter Welcome

This photo is actually a "stitch" of four vertical photos taken at sunset yesterday, December 21, 2009. Winter truly outdid itself with this entrance, after we endured what seemed like weeks and weeks of rain, clouds and fog. The forecast now shows sunshine for the next week... so no "White Christmas", but no "Wet Christmas" either!
The sun makes its appearance out from under the layer of high clouds that hung around all day yesterday. This was no watery sun either... you could feel warmth on your face!
The sun starts to light up the late afternoon sky in spectacular fashion. This photo is taken at about 4:15pm PDT.
As the sun nears the horizon, the sky darkens, and the colours become incredibly vivid!
Gone! The rapid progress of the winter sunset always catches you unaware... it's like being in Hawaii, where the sun seems to be around all day and then in seconds it drops out of the sky.


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