Let Summer Begin!

It's finally here! Those rascals at CN Rail holding our new BBQ hostage behind their picket line aren't laughing now! There are other ways to get around a rail strike!

So, as you can see, the new Vermont Castings 4-burner BBQ is in place, and has been officially christened tonight by both Bison and Angus burgers, and some sauteed onions on the side burner. What a difference a natural gas BBQ makes... no more hot and cold spots, just blazing hot, even heat!

We will christen the rotisserie on Saturday with a roast, using all the secret techniques passed on to me by the Mighty Evan - BBQ guru from Western Fireplace in Abbotsford!

Now, if we can just get rid of the clouds, and get the temperature above 15C, we will be in business!



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