816 motorcycles... and no camera!

Sadly, this is all I have to show from the 25th Fraser Valley Toy Run today.  My camera battery died after less than 10 pictures on the Vancouver Toy Run... and I topped that by completely forgetting to take my camera today!  Nonetheless, the weather was spectacular (notwithstanding the 2C start to the day!), and a total of 816 motorcyclists participated.  My dear old friend from Surrey, fresh from a 1000-km ride to bring his new BMW motorcycle home from Calgary yesterday, saddled up again today and came out for the ride... what a champ!   A mountain of toys and over $5,000 cash was raised for the kids for Christmas this year... a wonderful result!  And let me tell you, the Vancouver Toy Run could really learn some tips about traffic control from the Fraser Valley organizers!


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