Baker's not quite dozen!

Took the bike and some friends and rode up Mt Baker on Sunday July 21, 2013.  We started with 7  bikes, but sadly one of the group had an electrical issue that ended his day.   So, 2 others stayed with him to arrange for transport for his bike.  While we were deciding what we were going to do, 2 we didn't expect showed up, so with 6 in total we rode to the top.  The scenery, as usual, was amazing.  Despite the forecast saying it would only be 62F at the top, we were soon all sweating freely in the blazing sun!  We rode back down and into Everson, where we had a superb dinner at Herb Neiman's Steak House, should you ever need a dinner option in Everson, WA!
We are very inclusive.  We even let Harley owners ride with us!

My bike's big  brother, the VFR1200F.

W's beautiful blue Yamaha 1300cc V-Star.

The VFR and its gorgeous stable mate, the BMW1300R.
My view of the gang as I stand atop the snow bank made from all the snow that used to be on the parking lot where our bikes are parked!

The bathrooms... emerging from their winter cocoon!
360-degree panorama with Mt Shuksan on the left and Mt Baker in the center.


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