Hell of a day

It was one of the best "short notice" invites I've had in a long time... an invitation to ride with a couple of friends up to Hell's Gate in the Fraser Canyon.  Despite having passed it dozens of times over the decades, I'd never stopped before (too touristy, I'm sure I thought).  Well, thanks to my friend's Hell's Gate SuperPass (check it out, it's totally worth the trip to get it in early June), we enjoyed a wonderful couple of hours in what is one of the neatest, friendliest, most impressive "tourist traps" I've ever been to.  The ride there and back, coupled with a super lunch in Boston Bar (Old Towne Inne, be sure to have the soup!), made it an even better day.   Hardly a car to be seen on the roads, and the bikes just hummed along.  The temperature hit the high 20s while we were there, and combined with the rushing breeze from the river, it was an unforgettable experience.  Considering it was built with picks and shovels and dynamite, it truly is an amazing engineering feat!


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