The Last Ascent

I had to take advantage of the last spectacular, sunny day of the season to ride up Mt. Baker one more time.  The trip in, up, down, and out is like nothing else around here that you can do in a day, and for the 4th time this season, up I went!  Having waited out the morning fog, we left just before noon.  I was able to convince a couple of the regulars to come along, and we enjoyed a leisurely trip to the top (complete with lunch at the second restaurant, because the one I had picked was closed for the season).  The view was as incredible as ever, and the light was spectacular for the photos.  We worked our way down and out to Linden for coffee, and once again, we went to the second restaurant when we found the one I picked was closed (at 4pm on a Thursday!  Really?).  A short hop home, straight through the Nexus lane, and home by dark.  What a day!

For those who follow the blog, you will recognize this and the photo two below as the real Mt. Baker.  All the other shots feature the far more attractive and well-placed Mt. Shuksan!  Below is Table Mountain.


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