Road Trip, Day 10, Beach, Brides and Burritos

The original "Waikiki Beach"... home of the famous pink Royal Hawaiian Hotel. It is so unlike any of the other hotels and condos, you can't help but root for its continued existence!
As we were walking back to the condo to get ready for an early supper at the Cheesecake Factory, we saw this huge 50' long stretch Hummer limo (with 3 sets of rear wheels) roll up... and 14 bridesmaids got out before the bride made her entrance! It was quite the spectacle! The ceremony was being held at the beautiful Catholic Church that is a stone's throw down the street from our condo.
Dinner (or any meal) at the Cheesecake Factory is a true experience! The food is fantastic, and the portions are generous, to say the least! Here you see the "Factory Burrito", a monster burrito that must weigh in at about 2 lbs. C's arm is for scale, and the plate is about 16" across! It was kind of a funny coincidence that we soon after saw an episode of "Man vs Food" on the Travel Channel, where the host ate a 5 lb, yes 5 lb, burrito!!!
How do you work off that big burrito? Well, you eat dinner at 4:30pm, and then you go back to the beach and swim for another 2 hours before sunset, then walk back to the condo and swim another hour in the pool there... hoping you can burn off enough of the burrito to not collapse comatose like a digesting python as soon as you lie down! Sunset was another spectacular melange of yellow, gold, reds that you simply have to see to believe!
Father and son, silhouetted by the last rays of the sun.


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