RAF Museum - II

A beautifully restored Hawker Tempest... the pinnacle of piston-engined British fighters in WWII... in the colours of one of the units of the RAF operating in India in 1945. This is the last fighter flown by Uncle at the end of WWII. I was lucky enough to see its naval version, the Hawker Sea Fury, fly at Duxford!

The absolutely massive Avro Lancaster "S - Sugar" dwarfs the visitors to "Bomber Hall"... the building is so massive, it holds the Lancaster, a B17, a B24, a B25, a Halifax, a Vulcan... and that's only the big stuff! There are probably 10-15 planes on either side of the Lanc... an incredible display! And where I'm standing to take the photo is the other side of the hall, equally as full of restored aircraft!
A superbly restored ME109G, in the colours of the famous "Black 6". This aircraft was restored to flying condition and flown regularly until a few years ago when it crashed. It was re-restored and moved to Hendon for display.

... and then we'll take a Spitfire and hang it from the wall. This is what greets you as you enter the Museum... a full-sized Spitfire hanging vertically on the wall!

The hulking menace of an ME110 "Zerstorer" in night-fighter configuration. The lighting is kept purposely dim for conservation purposes, so it is even more menacing in the true lighting of the display hall. The camera has compensated for the dimness and enhanced the light levels.


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