Make-up Ride

Since last Sunday's ride up Mt Baker was a bit of a turkey, with only brief glimpses of blue sky, clouds 200m below the parking lot, and down right unwelcome damp rain on the way back, I felt it only proper to take my lovely wife back up again as soon as possible, on a brilliant, sunny day!  Last Sunday was K's first trip up Mt Baker as a rider, and she found it slightly more unnerving than going up as a passenger.  However, our trip up on July 10, 2014 was a much different kettle of fish... 25C and not a cloud in the sky!  The beauty of going on a Thursday afternoon - no traffic at all, and a nearly empty parking lot at the top!  After a wander around in the snow admiring the views (and several gigantic ravens), we toodled back down the mountain and then through the snaky back roads to Herb Neiman's Steak House in Everson for some delicious schnitzel!  All in all, some great quality time for the two of us (I mean me and K, not me and my bike... what were you thinking?).



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